Our Publications

Educational leaflets provide information on our various services, education and fundraising campaigns, and specific cancers with details on symptoms, detection and treatment.

Download a PDF version by clicking the image.

  • Women Support Centre leaflet
    388.39 KB
  • Reduced cancer risk leaflet
    287.40 KB
  • Colorectal cancer leaflet
    17.40 MB
  • Breast cancer leaflet
    13.33 MB
  • Prostate cancer leaflet
    1.20 MB
  • SunSmart leaflet
    941.79 KB
  • Cancer Support Services leaflet
    717.21 KB
  • Wellness and holistic health care leaflet
    543.87 KB
  • Rainbow Club service leaflet
    2.83 MB

Tel: (852) 3656 0800                                                                                

Donation Hotline
General donation:(852) 3667 6333
COF Monthly donation:(852) 3667 6332                                                      

  1. Questions or comments: please use our comments page
  2. Donation enquiries: [email protected]
  3. Media enquiries: [email protected] 
  4. Fundraising enquiries: see Get Involved