Palliative Care in Cancer
Adjusting to life with cancer is possible

We are committed to supporting cancer survivors to live a high-quality life during and beyond cancer.

Active surveillance is an approach to cancer which involves monitoring a patient’s condition without medical intervention or treatment, unless a change in the condition is observed. It’s usually recommended when a cancer is small, slow-growing and causing few (if any) symptoms, or if it’s confined to the prostate.

During active surveillance, it’s important to remain attentive to your health and keep vigilant regarding changes occurring in your body. Ensure your lifestyle choices continue to be as healthy as possible; it can also help to establish a good relationship with your doctor as you navigate long term check-ups and consultations.

Active surveillance is often recommended for prostate cancer patients (especially older patients, or patients with other health problems) because it’s usually a slow-growing cancer type, without problematic symptoms. Cancer Fund Support Centres provide a range of programmes specific to prostate cancer-through our ‘Going Through’ project which supports patients and their family members. These include:

  • Exercise Programmes

  • Peer Support Groups

  • Marital Enrichment Programmes

  • Symptom Control Programmes

  • Individual Counselling with social workers, clinical psychologists and sex therapists

Tel: (852) 3656 0800                                                                                

Donation Hotline
General donation:(852) 3667 6333
COF Monthly donation:(852) 3667 6332                                                      

  1. Questions or comments: please use our comments page
  2. Donation enquiries: [email protected]
  3. Media enquiries: [email protected] 
  4. Fundraising enquiries: see Get Involved