In addition to providing support directly to individuals with cancer and their families, our time, resources and money contribute to a range of initiatives addressing the many and varied aspects of cancer. We support the improvement of hospital facilities, fund research and training, and share our expertise with others. Through supporting the wider oncology community, we hope to achieve our common goal of improving patient outcomes and quality of life for people touched by cancer.
Everyday, all over the world, scientists are committed to understanding cancer better. Ongoing progress is being made to develop new technologies and methods for detection, treatment and prevention. To support our aim of achieving better outcomes for those affected by cancer, Cancer Fund provides research funding both in Hong Kong and around the globe.
Locally, we fund Hong Kong research projects that look to develop new ways of treating, preventing or detecting cancer. Internationally, we fund global clinical trials and research in partnership with the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), the largest cancer research agency in the world.
These are among the main research projects we support currently:
Hereditary Gastrointestinal Cancer Screening Programme – The University of Hong Kong and St. Paul’s Hospital
This project aims to develop an ongoing prevention screening programme targeted at high-risk individuals, i.e. those with a family history of colorectal cancer or who may have defects in their genes, so that early symptoms can be detected and proactively treated.
Nasopharyngeal Cancer Genetic Research – The University of Hong Kong
This project aims to find markers that may be used to identify individuals at high risk of nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) before they are diagnosed. An earlier cancer diagnosis means a better quality of life for NPC patients and their families.
Research for Development of a Successful Vaccine Treatment for Cancer Linked to the Epstein Barr Virus, Prince of Wales Hospital, Chinese University of Hong Kong
This is an ongoing study to develop a safe and effective vaccine treatment for cancers linked to the Epstein-Barr Virus, such as nasopharyngeal cancer.
Documenting Pain-Related Symptoms in Chinese Cancer Patients: Hong Kong, Beijing, Tianjin and Taipei – The University of Hong Kong
By comparing the prevalence of pain-related symptoms in Chinese cancer patients throughout Hong Kong, mainland China and Taiwan, this study provides essential information for cancer service providers to understand the extent of pain-related symptoms. It also gives an insight into the barriers for symptom control, enabling cancer service providers to tailor interventions to better manage pain-related symptoms.
Nurse-led Symptom/Psycho-oncology Clinic – The University of Hong Kong
The proposed nurse-led symptom/psycho-oncology clinic aims to maximise the accessibility of supportive care services for cancer patients with unmanaged physical symptoms that can potentially impact their long-term psychological well-being. Systematic symptom assessment and management are not currently implemented in Hong Kong’s cancer care services, and this research will train nurses to effectively assess and manage symptoms while the nurse-led symptom/psycho-oncology clinic is being developed.
A Longitudinal Study of Psychosocial Unmet Needs, Physical Symptom Distress, and Psychological Distress of Chinese Women with Advanced Breast Cancer – The University of Hong Kong
This is a follow-up study to the original, A Longitudinal Study of Psychosocial Needs and Psychological Distress of Chinese Women with Advanced Breast Cancer. It aims to identify the unmet psychosocial needs and psychological distress of Chinese women diagnosed with advanced (Stage 3 or 4) breast cancer. It also aims to explore the changes in patterns of psychological morbidity in the first year following diagnosis.
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