Living with cancer and cancer treatments

From emotional ups and downs to treatment side effects, there are many ways to deal with the challenges cancer will bring as you work to overcome it.

Hearing you have cancer is typically unexpected, challenging and life-changing. It may be difficult to understand or even believe what you are hearing and can evoke a wide range of emotions. It is common to feel anger, fear and depression about your cancer, however, with time, hopefully, these emotions will become less intense as your learn to deal with your cancer and focus on treatment and recovery.

If like many people do, you find that you are feeling distressed, overwhelmed or are struggling to cope, we are here to help. It is our mission to ensure that no one faces cancer alone. Our service webpages have information on how we can help you. You can also call our service hotline for support on 3656 0800.

Tel: (852) 3656 0800                                                                                

Donation Hotline
General donation:(852) 3667 6333
COF Monthly donation:(852) 3667 6332                                                      

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  2. Donation enquiries: [email protected]
  3. Media enquiries: [email protected] 
  4. Fundraising enquiries: see Get Involved