In addition to providing support directly to individuals with cancer and their families, our time, resources and money contribute to a range of initiatives addressing the many and varied aspects of cancer. We support the improvement of hospital facilities, fund research and training, and share our expertise with others. Through supporting the wider oncology community, we hope to achieve our common goal of improving patient outcomes and quality of life for people touched by cancer.
We place great importance on our responsibility to ensure medical professionals working on frontline cancer services receive continuous training and education opportunities. Every year we sponsor training programmes, conferences, scholarships and fellowships that benefit local medical professionals and educate key staff working with people affected by cancer. Investing in the education of our local health professionals has a significant impact on the services and care we can provide both now and into the future.
Tel: (852) 3656 0800
Donation Hotline
General donation:(852) 3667 6333
COF Monthly donation:(852) 3667 6332