Since 1987 the Hong Kong Cancer Fund was founded, the number of cancer cases has increased significantly: from more than 15,700 in 1987 to over 35,000 in 2022*. The rise has been due to several factors, including improved detection for early diagnosis and greater public awareness of cancer and its symptoms.
Given the increase in the number of people being diagnosed every year, there are very few of us today who have not been touched by cancer. This makes the free services and programmes we provide more important than ever.
With the kindness of our donors, corporates and supporters, our services are able to offer comfort, support and hope to those in their greatest time of need.
In addition, our education campaigns raise public awareness of the risks and symptoms associated with specific cancers. This helps with early detection and, as a consequence, in saving and extending lives.
While methods and technologies to diagnose and treat cancer continues to progress, so does the understanding of the need for personal and caring cancer support to meet the needs of individuals and families affected by cancer.
From health advocacy and education initiatives for the general public to individual care from the moment of diagnosis, through treatment and on the long road to recovery; where support is needed, the Hong Kong Cancer Fund is there. Our role is to provide every individual and family affected by cancer with free professional and specialised cancer care services to ensure no one faces cancer alone.
Sally Lo, BBS, MBE
Founder & Chief Executive
*Source: Hong Kong Cancer Registry, Hospital Authority 2024 (figures from 2022)
Tel: (852) 3656 0800
Donation Hotline
General donation:(852) 3667 6333
COF Monthly donation:(852) 3667 6332