
Despite the turbulence of the COVID-19 pandemic, our professional teams continued to provide the much needed support to those in need and they switched seamlessly from face-to-face counselling and help to online consultations, Zoom services and classes.

To support our services growth, Hong Kong Cancer Fund Support Centre, Wong Tai Sin completed the renovation.


Icon Sammi Cheng became our Pink Ambassador and with her wonderful support, we created a new public education campaign including TVCs for our Pink Revolution. This campaign reached 3.8 million people who positively responded to our call to action. Also, our new Colorectal Cancer Campaign reached 3.9 million people who responded to our call to lower their cancer risk. Through our city-wide promotions, we have helped many people understand more about different cancer types and to become more willing to remind themselves, their families and friends to adopt a healthier lifestyle to lower cancer risk.

The Zonta Club of Kowloon has sponsored our new video series for lymphoedema care, available in Cantonese and Mandarin versions with English and Chinese subtitles. Our teams at the Support Centres in the community offer complementary services for female patients suffering from lymphoedema after breast and gynaecological cancer treatment.

Our Friends of CancerLink (FOC) network of 20 Self-Help Groups, with over 18,000 members, provides peer support, important exchange of information, rehabilitation services and encouragement to individuals touched by the same type of cancer. We provide a networking platform, funding, guidance on programmes offered, and a place to meet for these groups.


Putting the Spotlight on Women’s Health: We offer tailored services at our new Women Support Centre in Central that specialises exclusively on female cancers such as breast and gynaecological cancers to address sexual health, positive image building, fertility and lymphoedema management. We also provided in-depth counselling for individuals and their families.

Building a Cancer Smart City: More than 3.8 million people responded positively to our call to action through our colorectal cancer awareness campaign, as measured by a survey carried out by Nielsen. We asked respondents if they would take action after seeing our campaign messages, and to remind themselves, their families and friends to adopt a healthier lifestyle to lower cancer risk.


We grow our network with the official opening in June 2017 of our CancerLink Jockey Club Support Centre in Kwai Chung.

We reached more than 3.8 million people in Hong Kong through our breast cancer awareness campaign, as measured by a survey carried out by Nielsen.

Visits recorded at our five Cancer Fund Support Centres increased to 112,177, up 6% from last year and number of new users has increased by 12% at 4,086.


To sustain our services on Hong Kong Island and as a result of renovations by the Urban Renewal Authority, we plan to relocate our CancerLink support centre in Central to North Point in December 2016.

We planned to open a new CancerLink support centre in Kwai Chung to reach out to patients at Princess Margaret Hospital and families in Kowloon and New Territories West.

Members of our peer support network increased to 20,200, up 40% from last year.

We reached 3.7 million people through our prostate cancer awareness campaign, as measured by a survey carried out by Nielsen Media. Almost 1.3 million people responded positively to our campaign’s call to action and committed to regular checking and increasing their understanding about prostate cancer.

With a research grant of HK$1,000,000, we supported a new study conducted by The Chinese University of Hong Kong on affordable multi-gene mutation drug matching for recurrent ovarian cancer patients in Hong Kong.


Our Rainbow Club programme receives the 2015 Best Practice Award from The Hong Kong Council of Social Service.

New Wellness programmes, such as chair yoga, Satyananda yoga and Tibetan Singing Bowls Healing are created to cater to the specific needs of our users.

More than 1,500 cancer survivors, their families and Cancer Fund supporters gather for our largest-ever celebration event, Celebration of Life, at the Queen Elizabeth Stadium.

Members of the legendary Hong Kong band, The Wynners, become spokespeople for our prostate-cancer campaign.


We fund the environment-improvement project for the Outpatient Department, Department of Clinical Oncology, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital.

We begin a two-year sponsorship of the purchase of artificial urinary sphincters at the Department of Surgery, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital. The aim is to improve the quality of life of prostate-cancer patients in low-income families who have significant urinary incontinence following a radical prostatectomy.

We support an exchange tour to Hangzhou, China, by members of the New Voice Club of Hong Kong (a peer and rehabilitation support group for cancer survivors who have had their voice box surgically removed) to provide a Laryngectomees’ Speech Training Programme for local medical professionals and patients.

We support two new research projects – on pain-related symptoms in Chinese cancer patients and a nurse-led symptom/psycho-oncology clinic – at the University of Hong Kong.

ANZ bank sponsors a project for the revamp of our cancer information booklets, with content updated and the design refreshed.

A registered dietician joins our CancerLink service for the first time to provide one-on-one dietetic consultations.


Cancer support is enhanced with our renovation of the Department of Clinical Oncology at Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital. Facilities at the reception, patient waiting hall and medical consultation rooms are upgraded to provide a more relaxing, positive environment to promote healing.

We receive the Best Practice Award in Social Service from The Hong Kong Council of Social Service for our home care service. The service is among 89 projects nominated by organisations throughout Hong Kong, with only 18 receiving awards.

“Check Regularly” is the theme of this year’s CancerFund Pink Revolution, which raises funds for free breast-cancer services, including a discounted mammogram programme for low-income, high-risk women. As part of our efforts to raise awareness we organise a public talk and educational promotions.

Launched Going Through Project, Hong Kong’s first free men’s programme for clients with prostate cancer and their families and caretakers.

We double the number of wellness and holistic-health programmes on a year-on-year basis to 122, and increase the number of classes from 522 to 1,007. In total, we receive 21,732 visits to our CancerLink Centres to 13,619, representing a rise of 60% year-on-year.


We mark 25 years of providing free care and support to those affected by cancer.

We produce a special TV commercial featuring the stories of 25 of our supporters, survivors and friends. The commercial – the message of which is “we may not know each other, but we all have something in common: overcoming cancer” – is nominated in the general category of the TVB Most Popular TV Commercial Awards.

With a donation of HK$550,000 from Hong Kong Cancer Fund, United Christian Hospital sets up a temporary Cancer Patient Resource Centre to provide psychosocial support to more than 1,500 new cancer patients and their families each year. A permanent centre will be built when the new United Christian Hospital is completed in 2018.

The number of attendances for our wellness programmes, which are designed to help cancer survivors discover a sense of peace and self-control, is 13,619, an 82% rise over last year.


We open the CancerLink Support Centre in Tin Shui Wai.

We fund upgrades to the Cancer Patient Resource Centre and Oncology Department waiting areas at Tuen Mun Hospital.

We provide funds for the upgrade of the Integrated Oncology Clinic at the Prince of Wales hospital.


We move to being a non-profit company, limited by guarantee, from being a charitable trust. Our name changes to Hong Kong Cancer Fund from Hong Kong Cancer Fund, Friends of the EORTC Foundation.

We fund an upgrade of the Breast Service Centre at Pok Oi Hospital

With a view to providing a more comfortable environment for cancer patients and their families and caretakers, we fund the waiting room of the Cancer Patient Resource Center and Oncology Department at Tuen Mun Hospital to conduct an expansion and renovation project to improve the environment and facilities as a whole.

Our Rainbow Club begins offering services to children aged 5-15 who have close relatives with cancer.

We sponsor the Union for International Cancer Control’s World Cancer Congress in Shenzhen, China.


We fund an upgrade of the Oncology Outpatient Clinic at Queen Mary Hospital.

We fund the new Acupuncture Centre at Prince Of Wales Hospital.

We launch the inaugural Prostate Cancer Awareness Campaign.


We fund an upgrade of the Cancer Patient Resource Centre at Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital.

We launch our free Homecare programme, which provides support to those with cancer who are unable to access care services because they live alone, lack social support or are physically too weak to care for themselves.


We mark 20 years of providing free care and support to those with cancer and their families.

The CancerLink Support Centre in Wong Tai Sin marks 10 years of providing free care and support services.

We open a Cancer Patient Resource Centre at Princess Margaret Hospital.


We open the CancerLink Support Centre in Central.

We co-fund the Integrated Palliative Day Care Centre at Tang Shiu Kin Hospital Community Ambulatory Care Centre.

We launch our first Colorectal Cancer Awareness Campaign.

We fund upgrades to the Cancer Patient Resource Centres at Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth hospitals.

We fund a new Ambulatory Cancer Care Centre at Prince of Wales Hospital.


We upgrade our website to include more comprehensive cancer-related information.

We fund an ultrasound screening machine at Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

We fund the visual therapy programme at Tuen Mun Hospital.

We fund an expansion of services, such as nurse training, to private hospitals throughout Hong Kong.

We launch the inaugural anti-smoking and SunSmart awareness campaigns.

Our Stride for a Cure walkathon marks 10 years of raising funds for cancer research.

We upgrade facilities at the CancerLink Support Centre in Wong Tai Sin.


We fund the opening of two Cancer Patient Resource Centres in Shanghai.

We organises a volunteer training exchange tour to Shanghai Cancer Recovery Club.

We fund the expansion of the Day Chemotherapy Room at Tuen Mun Hospital.


We support the setup of the Cancer Patient Resource Centre at Prince of Wales Hospital.

We fund a visit to Hong Kong by the Shanghai Cancer Recovery Club.

We fund new premises for the New Voice Club, a peer and rehabilitation support group for cancer survivors who have had their voice box surgically removed.

CancerLink hosts a forum entitled “Psychosocial Support – practice and future direction”.

We begin distributing our Reach to Recovery packs for those with nasopharyngeal cancer to hospitals in Hong Kong.


We join with the Hong Kong Council on Smoking & Health to lobby the government for a ban on smoking in all indoor public places.


We are invited to join a government task force on cancer control.

We launch our inaugural Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign, Pink Revolution.

We fund the training in Australia of an oncology nurse.

We donate a seven-seater vehicle to Haven of Hope Hospice to enhance its palliative care services.

We fund a visual therapy programme in the Day Chemotherapy Room of Tuen Mun Hospital.


We launch a Cervical Cancer Awareness Campaign.

We organise a Celebration of Life event to honour cancer survivors.


We launch a visual therapy project at Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital.

We begin funding of the Gastrointestinal Cancer Registry at Queen Mary Hospital.


We begin distributing our Reach to Recovery packs for those with breast cancer in hospitals.

We launch a bilingual cancer-information website to extend our free cancer information support to people around the world.


Hong Kong Cancer Fund marks 10 years of providing free care and support.

We open our CancerLink Support Centre in Wong Tai Sin.

We launch the CancerLink Hotline, which people can call to get information about cancer and support services.

We start our hospital visit programme.

We launch our public-education campaigns.


We organise the first Stride for a Cure walk to raise funds for cancer research.

We begin funding the Yin Chun Club, a peer-support  group for those with breast cancer.

We open the Cancer Patient Resource Centre at Queen Elizabeth Hospital.


We begin an equipment loan scheme for those with cancer.

We fund the first free Cervical Screening Clinic at Prince of Wales Hospital.

We begin funding the Kin Lok Club, a peer-support  group for those with nasopharyngeal cancer.


We co-sponsor the first Hong Kong International Cancer Conference.

We begin hospital-environment improvement programmes at Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth and Tuen Mun hospitals.

We open Cancer Patient Resource Centres in Tuen Mun and Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern hospitals.

We fund the staffing of a clinical psychologist at Tuen Mun Hospital.


We publish the first series of bilingual cancer booklets.

We begin a two-year funding project for an oncology nurse at Prince of Wales Hospital.

We support a voice-training programme in mainland China by New Voice Club, a peer and rehabilitation support group for cancer survivors who have had their voice box surgically removed.


We open our first Cancer Patient Resource Centre, at Queen Mary Hospital.


We fund cancer care and nurse training overseas for Hong Kong medical professionals.

We fund a Hospice Care programme.


We fund Haven of Hope Hospice, the first facility of its kind in Hong Kong.


We are established and registered as a charitable trust fund.

We establish the first English-language support group, CanSurvive, in Hong Kong.

We co-sponsor a European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Oncology Conference.

Tel: (852) 3656 0800                                                                                

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COF Monthly donation:(852) 3667 6332                                                      

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  4. Fundraising enquiries: see Get Involved