The Liver
The largest organ in the body, it is situated in the upper part of the abdomen on the right hand side of the body
Produces blood proteins
Helps to clot the blood
Prevents excessive bleeding
Maintains the balance of fluid in the body
Destroys harmful substances, such as alcohol and gets rid of waste products
Breaks down substances not used by the body, so they can be excreted in urine or faeces
Contains carbohydrates (sugars) and fats, so they can be used by the body for energy
Stores substances such as glucose and vitamins for use by the body when necessary
Produces bile, a substance which helps the digestion of food
The liver has an amazing capacity to repair itself. It will function normally with only a small portion of it in full working order
Two Different Types Of Liver Cancer
Malignant tumours of the liver have two very different types:
Primary cancer, which means cancer starting in the liver itself
Secondary or metastatic cancer, which means cancer has started in another part of the body and has spread to the liver. Almost any cancer can spread to the liver, but the most common ones include bowel, pancreas, stomach, lung and breast cancer.
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