The information contained in this website is provided by The Hong Kong Cancer Fund as a service to the public and should be used for general information and reference only. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of its content, The Hong Kong Cancer Fund shall accept no responsibility for any errors, omissions or misrepresentations of the information provided by us and other organisations or websites (by means of hyperlinks). Users are responsible for making their own assessment of all the information contained in or in connection with this website and are advised to verify such information and obtain professional advice from doctors before acting on it.
The materials in this website are provided “as is” without any express or implied warranty of any kind including warranties of merchantability, non-infringement of intellectual property, or fitness for any particular purpose. In no event shall the Government of the HKSAR and the TID be held liable for any loss or damages incurred for any cause whatsoever arising out of the use of or inability to use the information on this website.
Copyright Notice
The content available on this website, including but not limited to all text, graphics, drawings, diagrams, photographs and compilation of data or other materials are protected by copyright. The Hong Kong Cancer Fund is the owner of all copyright works contained in this website.
The information or part of it may be re-disseminated or reproduced, provided the source of the information is acknowledged and that the re-dissemination or reproduction is for a non-commercial purpose, and prior consent is obtained from the Hong Kong Cancer Fund. In the case of other linked sites referred to or accessed by hypertext links through this website, the copyright and all other intellectual property rights in the information contained in the linked sites shall belong to their respective owners. You should seek the opinion of the owners before copying the works contained in the linked sites.
The Hong Kong Cancer Fund shall not be liable for any loss incurred or damages suffered by any person as a result of any actual or alleged infringement of copyright or other intellectual property rights.
Use of HKCF logo and name
If any company/organisation wishes to use Hong Kong Cancer Fund’s (HKCF) name and/or logo on any materials or products, the company/organisation must obtain prior written permission from HKCF. Each piece of promotion material, including media releases, advertorials or advertisements (online and offline), must be approved by HKCF. All materials must be forwarded to HKCF for prior written approval prior to being circulated. Permission for logo usage will be conditional, to be negotiated between HKCF and the company/organisation, especially if the logo is to be used for an organisation’s marketing activities, and a minimum donation amount may have to be guaranteed. Guidelines on logo usage will be supplied upon agreement.
After both the company/organisation and HKCF sign the agreement, the company/organisation can use HKCF’s logo or name for a finite period as stated in the agreement.
The level, mode and percentage of support for HKCF must be explicitly stated on all materials and correspondence relating to the fundraiser/event.
The company/organisation’s arrangements for the fundraiser/event should be planned with the approval of HKCF. HKCF expects a reasonable level of reporting on updates and information about the fundraiser/event.
Upholding HKCF’s standards
Due to the nature of our organisation, we cannot be associated with certain events. It is important to decide whether the fundraiser/event corresponds with all of HKCF’s health messages and values. We will not consider fundraising initiatives that involve or promote:
Hong Kong Cancer Fund does not charge for health checks
Hong Kong Cancer Fund is a charitable institution, and all our services are FREE for people touched by cancer. We do not produce health products, nor do we charge for health checks, screenings or vaccines. Any company using our name to sell these services has no relationship with Hong Kong Cancer Fund. For enquiries, please call our hotline 3667 3000.