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8 Tips to Calm Anxiety shared by the Cancer Fund professional team
It is very natural to feel stressed and anxious about the coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak. Many cancer patients are sharing their concerns with our frontline teams about their fears during this current Public Health Emergency. Our clients are important to us. To help bring some reassurance, we want to share a few tips by the Cancer Fund’s team.
- Limit reading news stories related to the outbreak. Information can offer us some sense of control. However, excessively checking the news and social media can feed and fuel our anxiety. Try to limit yourself to check one to two reliable sources with restricted time.
- Talk to someone. Reach out to friends by phone or through video-calling to help you feel more supported. The Cancer Fund is always here for you. Please call us on our Helpline 3656 0800 or visit our Support Centres in person for comfort and professional advice – from Monday to Saturday, 9:00am to 6:00pm.
- Boost your immune system through a healthy lifestyle. A healthy immune system starts with a balanced diet and a sound sleep at night. Keeping active can also stimulate our immune system and reduce stress. Consider doing exercises such as yoga, ving tsun, and/or tai-chi at home, or take a walk in somewhere less crowded.
- Take up a hobby like knitting. According to research, the health benefits of knitting go beyond the physical and help reduce depression and anxiety,
- Laugh often. Welcome humor. A good laugh goes a long way.
- Do something to get organized. Clean your cupboard or de-clutter your home. Clutter makes it more difficult to relax, both physically and mentally.
- Breathe in and out. Deep breathing helps you calm down. Inhaling and exhaling slowly will help you feel more grounded.
- Maintain a positive attitude. Do all you can to replace negative thoughts with positive ones.
If you need to attend appointments in hospitals or clinics, and you have concerns, please refer to here.