Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Cancer

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The Diagnosis

Preliminary Stage

Biopsy: The removal of an enlarged lymph node and examining the cells under a microscope

Further Tests

If a biopsy shows that lymphoma cells are present, your doctor will arrange further tests for you:

  • Blood test

    This is to check your general health, the levels of red and white cells and platelets in your blood, and your liver and kidney functions.

  • Chest X-ray

    This is taken to check for any sign that the disease has spread to the lymph nodes in the chest.

  • Bone marrow sample

    For this test, a sample of bone marrow is taken, usually from the hip bone, and examined to see if it contains any lymphoma cells.

  • CT scan (CAT scan)

    A CT scan is another type of X-ray. A number of pictures are taken of the chest and abdomen and fed into a computer to form a detailed picture of the inside of the body.

The following tests are less common but may be considered necessary in some cases:

  • Lymphangiogram (lymphogram)

    This test is done to check for any signs that the disease has spread to the lymph nodes in the abdomen or pelvis.

  • Intravenous urogram

    This test is also known as an IVU or IVP and it shows up any abnormalities in the kidneys or urinary system.

  • Magnetic resonance imaging (also called MRI or NMR)

    The test is similar to a CT scan, but it uses magnetism instead of X-rays to build up a series of cross-section pictures of the body.

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