Non-governmental Organization & Charity Organization
Hong Kong Cancer Fund
● Prosthesis Fund
The Prosthesis Fund helps breast cancer survivors with financial difficulties to purchase suitable prosthetic breasts and bras after surgery.
* Applicants must hold a Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card and be at least 18 years old.
*Applicants are required to undergo a financial and medical assessment or provide other information as requested.
● Free Imaging Surveillance Programme For Breast Cancer Survivors
The aim of the Free Imaging Surveillance Programme for Breast Cancer Survivors is to assist them by offering free mammograms and ultrasound examinations in order to monitor their risk of breast cancer recurrence.
* Applicants must hold a Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card and be at least 18 years old.
* It is required that applicants be referred by a Hospital Authority oncologist or surgeon.
Please contact the Hong Kong Cancer Fund Service Centre or call the enquiry hotline at 3656 0800 for more information.
Union Hospital
● Union Hospital Charity Programme
In 2006, Union Hospital, in collaboration with a number of specialists, launched the “Union Hospital Charity Program” to provide free surgical and therapeutic services to patients who need surgery but are unable to afford the medical expenses. The cost of the surgery will be subsidised by the Programme. The programme covers outpatient consultations, doctor’s rounds and procedures during hospitalisation, hospital fees (except for meals and non-essential personal items), medical supplies and equipment required during procedures, medication required during hospitalisation, and additional treatment costs for complications arising from procedures. The exact scope of the subsidy is subject to the final approval of the Union Hospital Charity Programme.
*Any financial assistance is subject to a means test. Please contact Union Hospital if you need any assistance.
Jian Shan Fund
● Jian Shan Fund – Cancer Medical Check-up Subsidy
The programme is to provide eligible cancer patients with a one-time subsidy so that they can be screened to determine the severity of their cancer and have swift access to public hospital care. The scope of the funding encompasses initial oncology diagnosis, computerised scanning, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), endoscopy, and positron emission tomography (PET) scans.
Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society
● The Portia Cheung Breast Cancer Support Programme
The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society’s Portia Cheung Breast Cancer Support Programme helps breast cancer patients with a subsidy to purchase additional nutritional supplements, breast prostheses and PET-CT scans that are not currently subsidised by the Government or other resources.
*Please contact the Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society or the Medical Social Services Units if you need assistance.
Hospital Authority & Social Welfare Department
Cancer patients can use the means test calculator to determine their eligibility for the waiving of medical charges, the Samaritan Fund, or the Community Care Fund Medical Assistance Programmes prior to applying.
For the benefit of patients in need, the Hospital Authority has a mechanism in place for waiving medical charges. Patients who cannot afford medical services due to financial difficulties may apply.
**Subsidies are means-tested by social workers. If necessary, please contact the Medical Social Service Units of public hospitals and clinics, IFSCs of SWD or the Family and Child Protective Services Units.
The Samaritan Fund was established to provide financial assistance to patients who meet certain clinical criteria and pass the means test to meet the cost of “self-purchased medical items” or new technologies that are required in the course of treatment but are not covered by the standard fees charged by public hospitals and clinics. In line with the philosophy that no one should be denied adequate medical care due to lack of means, the Foundation hopes to provide financial assistance to patients in need.
*Funding is subject to means tests and referral by a medical social worker. Please contact the Medical Social Services Units if you need assistance.
Tel: (852) 3656 0800
Donation Hotline
General donation:(852) 3667 6333
COF Monthly donation:(852) 3667 6332