30 May 2016
Official Statement: Unknown Fundraising Initiatives
We have recently been made aware of a charity sale claiming to donate profits to an unknown organisation which sounds similar to the Hong Kong Cancer Fund. We would like to confirm that we have not been informed of this organisation’s fundraising initiative.
The Hong Kong Cancer Fund is a registered charity offering free services to anyone touched by cancer. We only have the following official webpages for donation and charity sales.
One-off donation: http://www.cancer-fund.org/en/donate_oneoff.html
Monthly donation: http://www.cancer-fund.org/en/donate_monthly.html
Charity sales: http://www.cancer-fund.org/scripts/charitysale_list.aspx?hkcflang=E
Any fundraising taking place outside of our official Facebook page or website is not connected with the Hong Kong Cancer Fund. Please treat suspicious fundraising activity with caution and make us aware of any fraudulent use of the Hong Kong Cancer Fund branding.
For enquiries, please call our hotline 3667 6333. Please share this message with your families and friends. Thank you.
Tel: (852) 3656 0800
Donation Hotline
General donation:(852) 3667 6333
COF Monthly donation:(852) 3667 6332