Important Announcement from Hong Kong Cancer Fund
This is an important announcement to the public and to our loyal donors from Hong Kong Cancer Fund.
Recently, we have received a number of concerned enquiries regarding an organization called the “Cancer Association”, which is promoting the sale of cancer-related health screenings & cervical vaccine injection. This commercial organization, because of its name, is frequently being confused with the Hong Kong Cancer Fund. As a non-profit organization and in good faith to our loyal supporters and the public, we felt the need to clarify our identity and our services in a bid to clarify any misunderstanding.
We would like to again remind the public and our supporters of the following: 1) Our organization, HONG KONG CANCER FUND and our service centre CANCERLINK SUPPORT CENTRE, are in no way related to the CANCER ASSOCIATION, nor do we endorse their products/services.
2) Hong Kong Cancer Fund is a non-profit organization and all our services are FREE. We DO NOT sell any health products, nor do we charge money to provide health screening and vaccine injection services.
If you would like further information surrounding this matter, please contact us at 3667 6333.
Hong Kong Cancer Fund
Tel: (852) 3656 0800
Donation Hotline
General donation:(852) 3667 6333
COF Monthly donation:(852) 3667 6332