Dress Pink Day

Dress Pink Day

Dress Pink to support women with breast cancer!

What is Dress Pink Day?

We select some day in October as Dress Pink Day, people across Hong Kong wear pink to raise awareness and funds to support women with breast cancer in response to our annual breast cancer campaign Pink Revolution in support of its breast cancer care services. Pink is the colour of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a global campaign that takes place every October to raise awareness of breast cancer.

What can you do on Dress Pink Day?

1. Add a splash of pink to your outfit!

The easiest way to get involved is to wear pink and make a donation to our cause! A pink shirt or a pink pair of socks can all be worn to show how much you care about raising awareness for women with breast cancer.

2. Sponsor a Pink Recovery Pack!

We encourage every Dress Pink Day participant to donate HK$120 or more to support a Pink Recover Pack which will be delivered to breast cancer patient who are undergoing breast cancer treatment.

3. Hold a Pink Party!

Whether it’s a pink lunch or an afternoon tea, you can help promote Dress Pink Day and raise breast cancer awareness for your colleagues or friends.

4. Dress Pink anytime in October!

Please feel free to hold your own Dress Pink Day at any time in October that works best for you. Submit a video or photos* of your corporate or group dressing pink and we will share them on our Dress Pink online platforms to https://goo.gl/z9DaPz and let thousands more people know you care!


  • Photos and videos submitted will be screened to ensure content is appropriate before publishing.
  • Corporate teams can show their company logo in the photos and videos submitted.
  • We recommend keeping your videos to under 150MB and individual photos to 1 MB.

 What are the funds raised for?

All donations go directly towards our FREE breast cancer care services that help patients and families live with, through and beyond breast cancer.

For as little as HK$120, participants can sponsor a Pink Recovery Pack, which are sent to the bedsides of breast cancer patients who are undergoing breast cancer treatment.

Pink-Recovery-Pack                               Pink Recovery Pack

Each pack contains an information booklet, soft pillow, temporary breast prosthesis, comforting pink bear and other essential items to help the physical and mental healing process after surgery.

Pink Recovery Pack

The Pink Recovery Pack contains essential items to aid the physical and psychological healing process of breast cancer patients who are undergoing treatment.

Pink teddy bear – To comfort users and soothe their emotions after diagnosis

Soft pillow – To provide physical comfort to users who have received surgery that may lead to lymphoedema; the pillow can be placed under the patient’s arms while sleeping

Dumb-bell bottle – A weight to exercise the arms and improve strength and lymphatic drainage

Squeeze ball – A physical therapy tool to strengthen the muscles of the hand and wrist, as well as release tension and stress

Temporary breast prosthesis – To provide shape where needed

Information booklets, service leaflet and hotline card ­– Guidance on how to speed up recovery and cope with the side effects of treatment, (also contains useful information on psychosocial services, for a variety of needs during the cancer journey)

To show our appreciation, each person who donates HK$120 or more will receive a Pink Souvenir.

How do I get involved?

Select the option below that best suits you and choose whether you want to register and fundraise online or offline.

To get a better idea of the registration and fundraising procedures, check out the step-by-step guide below.

We’re more than happy to answer your questions. Please feel free to contact Ms. Dan Tan on 3667 6384 / [email protected] or Ms. Erica Yim on 3667 6383 / [email protected].


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Join as an Organisation

Method 1: Online

1. Register quickly online here and set up a DIY Fundraising page.

2. We’ll send you posters for promotion and pink stickers to give to each participant.

3. After we review your DIY Fundraising page, you can share it with colleagues or friends and encourage them to join Dress Pink Day and make a donation.

4. All donors who give HK$120 or more will receive e-receipts instantly and the overall fundraising status can be viewed in real time on the DIY Fundraising page.

5. Have a great time on Dress Pink Day!

6. Pink souvenirs will be sent to you before the end of November. Please help distribute to the participants.


Method 2: Offline

1. Download and fill out the first two parts of the enrolment form and email/fax it to us.

2. We’ll send you posters for promotion and pink stickers to give to each participant.

3. Encourage your colleagues or friends to join Dress Pink Day and make a donation.

4. Mail the completed enrolment form together with the full donation payment to Cancer Fund.

5. Have a great time on Dress Pink Day!

6. Pink souvenirs and official receipts for donors who gave HK$120 or more will be sent to you before the end of November. Please help distribute to the participants.


Join as an Individual

Method 1: Online

1. Make a donation to Dress Pink Day here.

2. Dress in pink on 26th Oct, 2018.

3. If you donated HK$120 or more, we’ll send you a pink souvenir by the end of November.


Method 2: Offline

1. Download the donation form.

2. Mail the form together with the donation to Cancer Fund

3. Dress in pink on 26th Oct, 2018

4. If you donated HK$120 or more, we’ll send you a pink souvenir and official receipt by the end of November.