After careful consideration, the Hong Kong Cancer Fund has decided to cancel the annual Stride for…
Superstar Sammi Cheng is the new Pink Ambassador for this year’s Hong Kong Cancer Fund Pink Revolution.
We’ve been so touched by our many donors who have expressed their concern regarding the last 2 months unrest.
Hong Kong Cancer Fund welcomes the new Hong Kong Cancer Strategy announced by the Food and Health Bureau today, particularly in the areas of cancer prevention, screening and medical-social collaboration with community partners to drive and enhance supportive care for patients and survivors.
The GFI HKFC 10s presented a cheque for HK$250,000 to the Hong Kong Cancer Fund…
The exhibition match will help raise money for the Hong Kong Cancer Fund, the official charity…
Hong Kong Cancer Fund has been appointed as the Official Charity of the 34th GFI HKFC 10s…
Tel: (852) 3656 0800
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General donation:(852) 3667 6333
COF Monthly donation:(852) 3667 6332